Calle de Salvador Allende, 7 28054 Madrid

Autobús 35, 135, 118, E1 Metro: La Peseta (linea 11)

Dental implants

At our dental clinic in Carabanchel we are experts and a reference center for dental implants in Carabanchel, under the direction of Dr. Tomás Hernán with extensive experience and training in this field. Likewise, we have state-of-the-art technology to perform dental treatments.

Frequent questions about

Dental Implants in Carabanchel 

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a small piece of titanium that is inserted into the bone by surgical intervention and acts as the root of the tooth, providing support to the crown or prosthesis that is made and placed on it.

It is one of the best solutions today to replace missing teeth, as long as there is no contraindication once assessed by Dr. Tomás Hernán.

What prior tests do I need to know if I am a candidate for dental implant treatment?

Once Dr. Tomás Hernán assesses your case, he will prescribe those complementary tests that he deems necessary to treat your case of dental implants.

Generally, we first perform a global assessment of your oral health with a panoramic X-ray and later complement this study with more specific tests (CT).

Is it a simple procedure? How long does the complete treatment last?

The complexity or not of your case will be indicated by our dentist, Dr. Tomás Hernán, who will explain in detail all the details of your dental implant case and the procedures that may be necessary, as well as the estimated time necessary to resolve your case. case.

What would be the first step to take?

First of all, we recommend that you make an appointment at our Dental Clinic in Carabanchel so that Dr. Tomás Hernán carefully assesses your case of dental implants.

If you already have any complementary test (panoramic radiography or CT) it is recommended that you provide it on the day of your appointment.

Do you do bone grafts and bone regeneration?

If necessary, Dr. Tomás Hernán has a Master’s in Oral Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as having extensive experience as an assistant dentist in the Stomatology Service of the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital.

He will assess what type of intervention prior to or simultaneous to the placement of implants you may need and, in the event that bone grafts or bone regeneration are required, he will be able to provide you with a solution (bone block grafts, guided bone regeneration, maxillary sinus elevation…)

Likewise, we also assess the situation of the soft tissues around the implant and we can offer you the possibility of mucogingival surgery.

implantes dentales carabanchel

Immediate Load Dental Implants | Dental Clinic Dr. Tomás Hernán

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