
Calle de Salvador Allende, 7 28054 Madrid

Autobús 35, 135, 118, E1 Metro: La Peseta (linea 11)

Instructions Removable dentures


The removable dental (or stomatological) prosthesis is a treatment to replace missing teeth and bone structures that atrophy over time after the loss of natural teeth, by means of artificial teeth-bearing oral appliances, which can and should be extracted. of the mouth to facilitate the cleaning of this and those. They improve chewing, aesthetics and speech.

These removable denture appliances are attached to some natural teeth by non-rigid devices, called retainers (commonly clasps), and sometimes also rest on mucosa-covered bone. For these reasons, when biting on them, a small balling is noticed, and chewing is not as effective as with natural teeth.


Over time, the remaining natural teeth in the mouth shift or change position, especially those that are stressed or pushed by prosthetic appliances, and, in addition, the bone on which they rest also changes shape, with This means that these devices will become unsuitable and may cause some discomfort or ulceration that requires adaptation by the dentist, and replacement, after a variable time, with new ones.

In addition, the metallic (and also plastic) elements of removable prosthetic appliances can experience fractures with use, due to what is called elastic fatigue (something similar to what happens with a wire when it is bent from one side to the other). , many times); such fractures require immediate repair, to avoid further problems caused by broken structures.

To achieve proper functioning, you must carefully follow the following Handling, Care and Maintenance Instructions, which will facilitate the use of the prosthetic elements of your treatment and will increase their duration under appropriate conditions.

Removable prostheses are not mere mechanical instruments, but rather transmit forces to the teeth, gums and bone, therefore requiring special care in adaptation, the duration of which varies depending on the person and the prosthesis (usually several weeks). In the end, you probably won’t be aware of wearing prostheses, but you need to be patient and, during this period of getting used to, go to the dentist to make the necessary adjustments and corrections.

  • You will notice a strange sensation of occupation, which will gradually disappear.
  • You will produce more saliva than normal, but it will also gradually normalize.
  • Initially you will experience a decreased sense of taste, which will recover after a few weeks.
  • You may have some difficulties in pronunciation, due to the space occupied by the prosthesis. To correct them more quickly, it is advisable to train yourself to read or speak in front of a mirror, always out loud.
  • It is likely to bite easily on the cheeks and tongue, due to its tendency to get into spaces where teeth are missing, but in a short time it will learn to avoid it.
  • Sometimes there is oppression or pain in the teeth and gums (especially when biting or closing the mouth), which usually disappear in a short time, as the mucous membranes become calloused and the remaining natural teeth adapt to the forces they receive.
  • The first few days, try to close your mouth and chew carefully, so as not to bite yourself and not overload your sore gums and teeth.

  • For the same reason, you should initially chew soft, non-sticky foods gently, gradually moving on to eating more consistent products.

  • To treat bite wounds (generally very painful), you can use soothing and healing mouthwashes, ointments or gels, on which your dentist will advise you.

  • If you have intense pain when biting, or injuries appear, go immediately to the dentist’s office, so that he can make the appropriate relief in your prostheses and prescribe, where appropriate, soothing and healing mouthwashes, ointments or gels.

  • The placement and removal of removable prostheses is a matter of habit, which is quickly learned, although at first it may require a little patience, until you learn in which direction the pushing and pulling movements should be made:

  • For its placement, you must always use your fingers. He will place the areas with hooks on the teeth that serve as support, and then he will press with his fingers, until he reaches the correct place, at which point a “click” is usually noticed. Never force the prosthesis, or bite on it to bring it into place, because such force is applied that some elements of the device may deteriorate or damage the mucous membranes.

  • To remove the dentures, you will pull on both sides at the same time (never on just one side), locking the nails of the index fingers of both hands in the hooks or on the edges of the denture (be especially careful not to scratch the gums). .

  • After each meal you should wash the dentures and the mouth.

  • Dentures should be cleaned, at least once a day, with a special brush for dentures (sold in pharmacies) or a nail brush with nylon bristles, and a little toothpaste or, better, soap, to avoid formation of tartar and the deposit of stains. Then rinse them very well with water.

  • It is especially important to clean the metal parts, especially those that come into contact with the teeth (internal or concave face of the hooks). To do this, they can be rubbed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, until the surface is shiny. If they are matte or tarnished, it is because they are loaded with bacterial plaque, which can cause cavities and wear, due to the acids that said plaque produces. However, if they are free of plaque, that is, shiny, they do not produce one or the other.

  • It is convenient to remove the prostheses to sleep, so that the tissues rest daily for a few hours from the pressure to which they could be subjected.

    To avoid blows and deformations while they are out of the mouth, it is advisable to keep the dentures in water, to which you can add disinfectant tablets marketed for that need.

  • Remember that it is convenient to use dental floss to clean between the teeth, and rinse the mouth with fluoridated mouthwashes, in order to prevent the appearance of cavities, especially between the teeth, where the brush does not clean well.

  • It is advisable to massage the gums to improve their blood flow and prevent their reabsorption as much as possible.

Review and incidents

  • Whenever ulcerations, pain or instability of the prosthesis appear, you should immediately go to the dentist’s office.

  • If a problem arises, or in any case in which you think an abnormal event has occurred, do not try to solve it yourself: See your dentist.

  • A review must be carried out every six months to observe the state of the teeth and mucosa, detect wear on the teeth and make the appropriate adaptations to correct the misalignments caused by the change in shape of the jaws and the position of the teeth, which They always happen over time.

  • Don’t let anyone but your dentist fit your dentures. As a physician who has prescribed them, he is the only one who can do so.

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