
Calle de Salvador Allende, 7 28054 Madrid

Autobús 35, 135, 118, E1 Metro: La Peseta (linea 11)

Full Denture Instructions


Full dentures is a treatment for total edentulism using artificial teeth-bearing oral appliances, which replace lost natural teeth and rehabilitate bone structures that atrophy over time after tooth loss. Therefore, they not only serve to improve chewing, but also speech and aesthetics, which are greatly impaired in the completely edentulous patient.


Lacking support to the bone, these devices experience a certain amount of mobility when eating, especially the lower one, which is easily displaced by the tongue even when speaking, because it does not achieve a suction cup effect like the one provided by the palate. to the upper device. Thus, when you bite on one side, they tend to rise on the other, so you must learn to chew with both sides at the same time.

An aesthetic limitation, derived from this instability, is that with complete dentures the anterior and upper teeth cannot always “ride” on the anterior and lower ones, as normally occurs in natural dentition, but rather the cutting edges in these situations have to be at the same height as the grinding face of the rest of the teeth; For this reason, when there are anterior and lower natural teeth, the teeth of the upper prosthesis are usually shorter than their original teeth, and by being hidden under the lip they simulate a greater age than with natural teeth. Over time, the bone on which the prosthetic devices rest changes shape, so they will loosen and may cause discomfort or ulcerations that require adaptation by the dentist, and replacement, after a variable time, for new ones.

Do not forget that the complete denture is a very complex rehabilitation (one of the most difficult). That is why your collaboration is very important, until the complete adaptation, which will require some time.

At first:

  • You will notice a sensation of occupation or a foreign body, which usually disappears in a few weeks.
  • Saliva production will increase, although it will gradually normalize.
  • Initially you will experience a decreased sense of taste, which will recover after a few weeks.
  • Your speech will change a bit, and there may be phonetic problems to pronounce some sounds. For this reason, you will probably need training to learn how to vocalize certain words; Usually this learning is achieved in a few weeks.
  • It is likely to bite easily on the cheeks and tongue, due to its tendency to get into spaces where teeth are missing, but in a short time it will learn to avoid it.
  • You may notice some discomfort in the areas where the prostheses rest, especially at the height of the edges: If they increase or do not subside after four or five days, and if wounds form, you should go to the consultation.
  • Your dentures will probably move around a lot at first, especially when you eat. You must learn to chew simultaneously on both sides, and not on just one, as you would with natural teeth. With this, and with the successive adjustments of the tooth engagement that may be necessary, you will experience improvement, but the lower denture, with rare exceptions, will never hold satisfactorily.

The first few days, try to close your mouth and chew carefully, so as not to bite yourself and not overload your gums.

For the same reason, you should initially chew soft, non-sticky foods gently, gradually moving on to eating more consistent products.

Strive to remember that chewing must be done on both sides at the same time.

To treat the wounds caused by bites (generally very painful), you can use soothing and healing mouthwashes, ointments or gels, on which your dentist will advise you.

If you have intense pain when biting, or injuries appear, go immediately to the dentist’s office, so that he can make the appropriate relief in your prostheses and prescribe, where appropriate, soothing and healing mouthwashes, ointments or gels.

You should also go to the dentist if you have tolerable discomfort that does not improve or subside in four or five days.

There are some products (mouthwashes, ointments and powders) that favor the retention and adaptation of the prosthesis in your mouth. Before using them, you should consult your dentist, but you should know that they are not “miraculous”.

Avoid, when handling them, that your prostheses fall to the ground, as they can fracture, especially the lower one.

Full denture appliances must be placed in place and always wet, inside the mouth, with the fingers. Never insert and bite on them without being properly seated, because you can fracture them or injure your gums. After removing them, also with your fingers, wash them and place them in a glass of water.

After each meal you should rinse the dentures and the mouth.

Dentures should be cleaned, at least once a day, with a special brush for dentures (sold in pharmacies) or a nail brush with nylon bristles, and a little toothpaste or, better, soap, to avoid tartar formation and deposit of stains. Then rinse them very well with water.

It is convenient to remove the prostheses to sleep, so that the mucous membranes rest daily for a few hours. In the case of the lower prosthesis, it is essential to avoid choking during sleep. While you sleep, the prostheses should be kept in a humid environment, preferably in a glass of water, to which you can add disinfectant tablets marketed for this purpose.

Revisiones e incidencias

Siempre que aparezca una molestia en las encías, debe acudir a consulta, aunque al principio, como estas molestias son normales, puede esperar cuatro o cinco días. Si transcurrido este tiempo no hubieran desaparecido, o si empeoraran con el paso de los días, debe acudir al dentista.
Si surge algún problema, no intente resolverlo Vd. mismo: Acuda a su dentista.
Las encías, con el tiempo, sufren modificaciones y con ello se producen desajustes en las prótesis que deberán ser corregidas por el dentista. Entre las correcciones adaptativas que deberá realizar cada cierto tiempo (variable, según el caso), se encuentran los rebases, que consisten en rellenar con resina (plástico) las zonas de las prótesis que han perdido contacto con las mucosas, para

mejorar la adhesión. Por ello conviene realizar revisiones rutinarias con el odontólogo o estomatólogo cada seis meses.

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