Calle de Salvador Allende, 7 28054 Madrid

Autobús 35, 135, 118, E1 Metro: La Peseta (linea 11)

Video consultation Dentist Madrid

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videoconsulta dentista madrid

Seguimos cubriendo tus necesidades desde nuestra consulta privada, sin necesidad de que te desplaces de manera innecesaria. Pídenos valoración gratuita online.

Frequent questions about


How long is the session?

The video consultation will have a maximum time of 30 minutes.

Does it have any cost?

No, it is a free service. For this reason, we ask for maximum seriousness and punctuality with the doctor and, if the video call cannot be attended, please notify us in reasonable time to cancel it.

Can it be applied to anyone?

Yes, in the case of video consultations for minors, always accompanied by their parent.

What happens if I need face-to-face assistance?

After the assessment by videoconference, the patient will be summoned if it is necessary to assist him in consultation. Always complying with the protocols against COVID-19.

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